Mini Donkey's don't accept pats, 

they demand them!

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Downunder Miniature Donkeys

Our farm is at Dimboola, situated on the Wimmera River off the main highway halfway between Melbourne and Adelaide. Our goal is to produce a Donkey with top conformation, temperament, size and mothering ability. Whether it be a Mediterranean Miniature Donkey or an Australian Miniature Donkey, every aspect of the creature is important to us.

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What a view!

Our Jennys and foals enjoy beautiful views [although they probably don't appreciate it as much as us] as they meander around in up to 40 acres. They have access to natural harsh pastures which they love as well as improved pastures. They have access to shelter on those uncommon days of inclement weather.

Simply the best!

Downunder Miniature Donkeys aim is to breed animals with excellent conformation, outstanding maternal care and of small stature without interfering with the other two aims.

Our Jack has been bred from carefully sourced American bloodlines. Conformation and temperament are very important to us along with height.

Nestled along the peaceful Wimmera River, Downunder Miniature Donkeys enjoy tranquility and lots of sunshine.
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